
I want to express my appreciation for all the hard work and dedication that you have put into your book - "Growing Up Is . . . !!!".

Your keen insight into the emotional and moral dilemmas that everyone faces as they grow in life is outstanding.

Your book offers guidance to anyone, no matter what age, who is looking for a source of inspiration to guide them through whatever growing up process they may be facing. I like the fact that you included not only your own ideas, but those of other noted persons as well, and most importantly you give us some wonderful scripture references to guide us through our everyday life. While you were motivated in providing a tool to help the adolescence in search of direction, I highly recommend this book to people of all ages who are trying to find a strong moral and faith based way of life. In short, everyone should have a copy of this book for themselves and for someone they care about in their lives.

Thank you again and I certainly hope that we can expect more books from you in the future.

Bonnie Estrada S. G., PhD / Psychology

Hey, thanks for the book. Its Great !!! This morning I had a patient who was really struggling with letting somebody else control him and having problems making decisions. I happened to have stopped at the top of page seven (7). So I said, well, according to a wise man: "Growing Up Is learning that if you doubt that another person likes you, you enslave yourself to that person !!!" and "Growing Up Is learning to make decisions, learning to stand by them, and learning to accept the consequences !!!"

I think the book is tremendous !!! I am going to really enjoy reading the whole thing.

Deborah Brodigan, MA  Certified School Counselor (CSC) Registered Professional Educational Diagnostician (RPED)

Glen Bartholomew shares his personal impressions and beliefs concerning the road every individual can take to live a happier, fuller, and more triumphant life. The advice he gives in "Growing Up Is" reminds me of some of my own personal collected thoughts; those of simple pleasures, sacrificing and the inherent rewards of those sacrifices, spiritual guidance and connection, peace of mind, and last, but not least, lessons we want to pass on to our children and grandchildren. Very enjoyable reading.

Brandon Turpin, age 22

I had a chance to read through your book and immediately a section on anger caught my eye. Im a young man in my 20's, and have had to deal with anger many times. After reading some excerpts from Growing Up Is, ... I am more aware of how anger builds, and am more adapt at controlling it.

Another one of my favorites about the book is the way the information is presented. It allowed me to break out of the standard start at the beginning and read to the end format. I could jump around from section to section and stay interested. That makes it a great book to just pick up and read.

I would recommend your book to young people just growing up, or to the adults out there who should !!

Molly Long, Author Recipient, Editors Choice Award, Poetry Josie Cigarroa, PhD. / Psychiatry William L. "Lennie" Turpin Only $47.95  Plus Shipping & Handling